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Uj szam es video " PECULIAR 3 " a most keszulo uj albumrol , amely valamikor 2019 ben lesz kesz. Mindig torekszem valami uj hangzas kore epiteni azt a sok zajt es ritmikat. Az en koncepciom szerint annal izgalmasabb es edesebb a munka, meg a vegtermek , ha minel absztraktabb es elvontabb zajok tomeget vagyok kepes harmoniaba hozni. New video for my newest track "Peculiar 3" which will be included in my new album, coming out sometime at the beginning of 2019. My concept is to build rhytm and strange noises around new sounds. My starting point is a concept, that if I bring harmony between abstract and strange noises, sounds, the product of my imagination will be more exciting, more interesting.